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It has taken more than two years to design and develop the new bathroom series. The materials steel and rubber are integral to the series - as are the stringent horizontal lines and the soft edges which also characterise the soap dispenser and the origina
l Vipp pedal bin from 1939.
"The idea is to create a sense of unity in the bathroom with Vipp's unique combination of functionality and aesthetics. We have therefore incorporated the most essential design features from the Vipp bin and dev
eloped a simplified industrial design idiom that makes the product blend with its surroundings - ensuring that it feels completely right. However, in our design, we also look to the future, to ensure that the bathroom series will live up to expectations b
oth now and tomorrow," says Morten Bo Jensen, head designer at Vipp Design Lab.
The industrial design idiom is reflected, for example, in the towel bar, which is unique in its design. The bar itself features a groove which is covered with
rubber to form a smooth surface, preventing the towel from sliding off the bar and onto the floor.