


Bodom: a designer floor lamp for indoor/outdoor use

The Bodom floor lamp is a great final touch to any indoor area, and ideal for outdoor spaces. A sleek aluminium structure rooted in a solid concrete base supports the tubular luminaire. Metal slats set at an angle (and available with a range of finishes) subtly conceal the light source while reflecting the glare to ensure visual comfort. This sophisticated floor lamp can withstand both impacts and exposure to bad weather.

Sammode Bodom Coal Copper Ambiance Gros plan Morgane Le Gall 2Sammode Bodom Coal Copper Balke Coal Copper Ambiance Morgane Le GallSammode Bodom Coal Copper Profil
Sammode Bodom Coal Morgane Le Gall 01Sammode Bodom Rivoli Morgane Le Gall 01Sammode Bodom White Morgane Le Gall 01


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