

  • Salor
  • Salor
Presented:Salone del Mobile 2010, Milan
Categories: Floors  › Carpets › Formated carpets
Product description

For her Salor carpet, Bernhard decided to use wool felt - possibly humankind's oldest textile material. Wool felt represents warmth, protection and security, and has been used to shape rooms for many millennia - one need only think of the yurts used by As

ian nomads since time immemorial. Her design was inspired both by traditional Turkmen carpets (specifically their woven edges and primary colour, red) and by abstract art. Her central themes are simplicity, repetition and concentration - typical Ruckstuhl

themes if you will - which have been interpreted in an entirely new manner here, underscoring the meditative character of this carpet. Salor is made of strips of felt that have been glued together in such a way that their cut edges comprise the surface.

The artist has cleverly capitalised on the fact that the edges of this dyed wool felt exhibit a delicate differentiation of colour, as these variations gently emphasise the striped pattern of the carpet.

Ruckstuhl, Switzerland

Jutta Bernhard