Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
CO2-reduced fiberglass concrete - Rieder as the first manufacturer for low-carbon facades
With the goal of safeguarding the future of the company and of ensuring the preservation of the world for future generations, the facade specialist takes comprehensive steps to accelerate the greening of the company. By 2025, Rieder aims to achieve climate neutrality and be CO2-neutral in its operation and production. Rieder is currently working on the development of a cement-reduced and later a cement-free concrete matrix. In a first step, 50 percent were substituted, thus saving 30 percent in CO2 emissions. The first result in the special colour pine green and the texture slate can already be seen on the facade of the new headquarters glemm21 in Maishofen, Austria. This makes the family-owned company the first facade manufacturer to produce CO2-reduced glassfibre reinforced concrete. "We don't just want to talk; for the ecological transition to succeed doing is important," says Wolfgang Rieder, reaffirming the course his company has been pursuing for several years. The products concrete skin, öko skin and formparts are available with the cement-reduced matrix 3.0 in selected colours.
Photos: Rieder Group / Rasmus Norlander
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