
Richard Lampert
Famille Garage storage

Presented: imm cologne 2011, Cologne | Year of design: 2010 | Design: Alexander Seifried
Famille Garage storage

‘Famille Garage’ is the name given to Alexander Seifert’s modular furniture set. What’s really special about this piece of furniture is that it can be adapted to the needs of children of all age groups. It meets the demands of toddlers as well as those just starting school, since it can be simultaneously used as storage or shelving, seating, a plaything or just somewhere to tinker about. According to Al-exander Seifried: “When I was a child, I always saw my room as a sort of workshop. My experiences with those plastic workshop boxes – the ones that are normally mounted on the back of workshop benches – formed the driving force behind this design.”

A wooden frame forms the basis for the bench, table and shelf elements, which can also be used as a baby’s changing table. Colourful and food-safe plastic boxes for toys, nappies or other little special objects can either be placed on the shelf or stowed away under the piece. The high-quality boxes in red, green or blue are available in two depths. The frame is made of three-ply pine sheeting combined with post forming sheeting with a hard-wearing Melamine veneer.

Famille Garage 4Rl Famille Garage Bett Rocker Image 1968X1400Rl Pitstop Fixx Turtle Eiermann1 Famille Garage Image 1968X1400
Rl Famille Garage Rocker Image 1655X1400Rl Famille Garage Wickelkommode 2018Rl Famille Garage Kommode Large
Famille Garage storage
All Kids Collection products
  • Famille Garage bed
  • Family Garage table and bench
  • Famille Garage storage
  • Fixx
  • Turtle
  • Eiermann children's desk
  • Alu Alu


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