Small, light armchairs such as populated our living rooms back in the 1950s and 1960s, with a wooden or tubular steel frame, are back in fashion. They are pretty perfect in an age when residential living is meant to be flexible and comfortable. Even if they are often a kind of nice compromise: Short chair legs that form the frame on which they pared-down version of an expansive upholstered armchair rests.
In the 1960s they had a name for this: “easy chairs”. Today, the moniker tends to be lounge chairs, even if these small armchairs have little in common with the spacious models designed by the likes of Charles and Ray Eames or Hans J. Wegner. Somehow a lot of things today are ‘loungey’, be it at work, at the after-work drinks location, or at home, when the kids have at long last gone to bed and a little quality time can be spent together.
So there’s many a good reason to present you a current selection of these pleasing and uncomplicated armchairs. (mm)