Sander Wassink currently has no fixed address – during the interview via Skype he happened to be in Barcelona. This year, or so Wassink reveals, he intends to travel on to Portugal, Morocco and the Czech Republic in order to meet up locally with manufacturers and artisans. In Morocco, he will be joining up with textile workers to have sweatshirts made by renowned sportswear companies embroidered artistically in the manner otherwise reserved for traditional Moroccan djellaba kaftans. Two years ago he took a similarly subversive approach: In 2013, during an artist-in-residence program in China, he combined individual parts of “fake” brand-name sneakers to create a new one. Wassink believes these projects best highlight the way traditional clothing is being squeezed out of the market, and with it the skilled artisans. His design products likewise emphasize an approach critical of consumerism: For example, his “Stacked” luminaires are made of discarded glass elements.
Sander Wassink

Where would you like to live?
I am sort of homeless since last year and I kind of started to enjoy this lifestyle of having almost no possessions, being constantly among nice people and different cultures. If you ask me where, I would have to say where there are nice, interesting and open people, and I need the earth and the sea too.
Your favorite character in the history of design?
Gordon Matta Clark : This guy was real and didn't waste energy on nonsense. it is very powerful too me.
Which qualities do you admire in a designer?
Having the ability to change directions. Not fearing mistakes. Working outside of the general ideas of what design and aesthetics should be like.
What do you enjoy doing most?
Getting lost, dreaming, music, being in the ocean, spending time with friend, sex.
Your main personality trait?
Needing freedom.
Your biggest mistake?
Sticking to things that I already know don't work. Trying to change people. Doing things for money that don't feel good at all. But in general mistakes make us better no?
Your idea of happiness?
Dancing true life.
What do you find really annoying?
Hoo . Let me think. Festivals in Holland. They are too big. People check your bags. There a fences everywhere. You have to wait in line to get tickets, wait in line to get a drink , wait in line to take a piss. I just don’t get why this is fun. It totally destroys the experience of freedom and music that it should have. Give me a nice spontaneous pop up party and I am happy. I can not handle authority. Especially when it is not needed. Yes it annoys me very much if people misuse their authority.
Your favorite material?
Maybe metal. It allows you to make so many mistakes and you can always repair it again. I like clay too . The materials are quite similar for me . They are both very mouldable.
Your favorite flower?
No favourite is this category.
What kind of music do you listen to when you work?
Which design achievement do you most detest?
Franchises. Especially the food ones. They are the total opposite of what I would call quality. They destroy the quality and diversity of our cities and make everything very soulless.
Which talent would you like to have?
Try to design the future classics.
Can you describe your present state of mind?
I am everywhere and nowhere. Maybe I am a bit in the air at the moment, or happily confused ? It’s a bit hard to grasp my present state of mind.
Your motto?
hmmm. Can I borrow the one from Nike??