„Lloyd“ von Jean-Marie Massaud für Poltrona Frau

Mit Raum hindurch zu schau’n wie beim Lattenzaun.
“Lloyd” is the name of the new half-opened, half-closed shelves and sideboards that Jean-Marie Massaud has designed for Poltrona Frau. Since these blinds can be moved around as required, you can create different views and sightlines whenever you want, highlight different things and thus often change the emphasis in a room. And what is preserved behind the stringent, translucent grid of doors is only half concealed. Especially catching: the interplay of light and shadow created by the easy-to-slide doors made of thin vertical wooden slats. Predestining “Lloyd” to function as a room divider.
“Lloyd” combines materials such as wood and saddle leather with ultramodern technologies. For example, the horizontal glide rails on which the doors run are made of HPL; the verticals at regular intervals are made of MDF with leather covers, and the narrow slats of the doors are oak. The units are between 225 and 280 cm wide, 46 to 188 cm high and 42.5 cm deep, and can rest on steel feet directly on the floor or be placed on raised oak frames. (tw)