The winner of this years Featured Editions at the imm cologne: An installation by Emu with Studio Chiaramonte Marin – inspired by the deep sea.

Paradise, Snakes and the Light

The Featured Editions are presented at the imm cologne for the sixth time. And this year we present the winners for the best installations.
by Fabian Peters | 1/16/2018

Since 2013, the imm cologne and architecture and design platform Stylepark have been inviting exhibitors participating in PureEditions, the exhibition format for the design avant-garde, to submit creative concepts to be included in the Featured Editions format. But for the first time the jury made up of major players Dick Spierenburg (Creative Director imm cologne), Oliver Jahn (Editor-in-Chief AD Deutschland), Lise Coirier (Editor-in-Chief TL Magazine), Peter-Philipp Schmitt (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) and Robert Volhard (founder and Chief Executive Stylepark) has selected the best three designs. The gold medal of the Featured Editions goes to Emu for their collaboration with Studio Chaiaramonte Marin: a fantastic underwater world featuring the new lamp "Cone". The second and third place went to Pedrali and Dante - Goods and Bads, which both show installations with a strong storytelling approach.

The Featured Editions are expressly not conceived as additional exhibiting space for the producers, but aim to provide a platform for presenting a stance or a technical principle, an approach or a design idea in the form of an installation.

The theme of the 2018 Featured Editions is “Light”. For the first time, the nine presentations will not be staged on podiums, but in so-called “Light Labs,” spaces created using gauze fabric in Halls 3.2 and 2.2. 

The silver medal was awarded to the installation "Magnetic Wireless Hero" by Calvi Brambilla for Pedrali.
The third place for "Lighthouse" by Christophe de la Fontaine for Dante Goods and Bads.