75.9, 2015

Freedom in experiment

The Canadian artist, designer and architect Omer Arbel moves between disciplines with his creative works, creating extraordinary objects and buildings that fascinate and offer a new experience of space. Phaidon Verlag recently published the first monograph on his work.

Under the simple title "Omer Arbel", author Stephanie Rebick has chronicled the experimental work of the artist, designer and architect to date on 448 pages: Divided into the chapters "Uncanny", "Entropy", "Transdisciplinary" and "Futurism", his diverse works are richly illustrated with examples. Be it the extraordinary luminaire designs for Bocci, of which he is co-founder and creative director, or architectural experiments such as "75.9", for whose structure he poured the concrete into large lengths of fabric. Omer Arbel embraces new currents, explores old craft techniques, scientific research and in the process creates organic forms with which he explores the limits of the material - whether glass, clay, metal, concrete or wax. In a performative and intuitive approach, he allows the work to emerge in the process, without following a set sequence. The designer names his works in consecutive numerical order, beginning with 0,0. (am)

"Omer Arbel" von Stephanie Rebick
Sprache: Englisch
448 Seiten, 400 Abbildungen
Phaidon Verlag
ISBN: 9781838662530
79,95 Euro
