A cosmos for the inside world
Clinical environments have very high hygiene standards, but are also supposed to convey a sense of wellbeing. This was taken to heart by the Csiszér Design office when developing the interior of the entrance hall of the blood plasma center in Székesfehévár, nr. Budapest in Hungary. The interior architects opted for next lighting’s “Cosmo” dimmable pendant luminaire – the light zestfully but unobtrusively toys with the height of the space. The organic shape of the luminaire is made up of six flat spheres that are inter-connected. The design of the luminaire, which is 160 centimeters across, is clearly brings to mind the molecular structure of platelets. Moreover, “Cosmo” looks different each time you change your vantage point. The luminaire was designed by Constantin Wortmann at Büro für Form. Using an RGB color changer, the color mood of the dazzle-free light can be adjusted individually.
As regards energy efficiency, by virtue of being based on LED technology the luminaire is ideal. And with its highly varied color spectrum and fluid shape, it fits optimally into the lobby’s joyful interior: In order to give the clinical atmosphere a bit more life, the designers have deployed flexible seating and lockers that are reminiscent of the “Tetris” game, all in bright colors and colorful lines on the entrance hall floor. The next plasma center run by the “Plazma Point” company in Debrecen will also be outfitted with luminaires from next lighting. (am)