Increasingly, open-plan offices with fixed workstations are being replaced by flexible offices offering various solutions for a host of different functions and constellations. Smart working is the buzzword here. greutmann bolzern designstudio has designed a range of space furniture going by the name of LO Mindports for Swiss office furniture manufacturer Lista Office LO. The range has already won the cherished RedDot award. These freestanding modules create attractive zones for meetings, focused work and joint activities. With their bright colors, they structure large office spaces and mark out special areas designated for communications. The heights of the modules vary depending on function and they can be closed off to a greater or lesser extent. For instance, the WorkLounges modules are intended as open office furniture whereas the ThinkTank modules create separate rooms within the office. Usually, the flexible office also includes a “non-territorial” concept meaning that even if not every staffer has a fixed workstation, depending on the duties he or she can confer with customers or colleagues or can retreat for peace and quiet. Flexibility in the organization of work processes makes for a more effective use of space. At the same time, it engenders an attractive working environment. And this is becoming more and more important as Pietro Tiziani, CEO of Lista Office Vertriebs AG, stresses. “After all, we spend the majority of our day at the office. When looking for the most talented staff on the market, just how innovative and employee-friendly a workplace’s furnishings are can be crucial.”
LO Mindports – modular thinking cells
Sep 12, 2013
Plants are also a means of screening individual workstations from one another. Photo: © Lista Office LO
Plants are also a means of screening individual workstations from one another. Photo: © Lista Office LO
The Touch Down module simultaneously creates a number of niches for bursts of focused working. Photo: © Lista Office LO
The Think Tank module allows for focused – and confidential – meetings even in large open space offices. Photo: © Lista Office LO
The office should also include a space for informal meetings. Photo: © Lista Office LO
This flexible office was designed for a Swiss company. Photo: © Lista Office LO
The Document Center module provides printers and computers with a fixed location in the office environment. Photo: © Lista Office LO
Lista Office LO’s LO Mindports come in various guises, this one is a meeting point for focused work-related meetings. Photo: © Lista Office LO
It is not only the way that Lista Office LO organizes the office that is flexible – the same applies to the furniture. Photo: © Lista Office L
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