„LEDS Clay“ von Maarten Baas und Bertjan Pot für DGPH

Mit Mainstream haben beide nicht viel am Hut. Eher teilen sie die Lust an atavistischen Spielereien.
Maarten Baas not only has feel for the powers of fire as a medium for design, he also has an endearing bond to primordial times. For him it goes without saying that there are hidden links between the Stone Age and today. His “Clay” furniture made of synthetic clay would be just as suitable for Fred and Wilma Feuerstein’s pad as they would be for a New York loft. Bertjan Pot, the second of the two, likewise loves a bit of fun. He’s into masks, deconstructs classics, and is also interested in light planning and whether and how you can tell what a person is like from the furnishings and furniture they use.
In their “LEDS Clay” series for DHPH, which stands for “den herder production house”, you can readily discern elements of both approaches. There is even a certain undeniable touch of atavisms in evidence, for example when rods of different lengths, molded by hand from clay, are decorated with colorfully illuminated LED blossoms. It could be the Stone Age, but it could just as easily be the future. Or are those knotty branches from which the cactus flowers burst forth?
Via Medici 13, Milan