„Voyage“ von Gamfratesi für Porro

Stine Gam und Enrico Fratesi packen dänische Klassik und italienisches Konzept in einen Stuhl.
Is it as simple as it seems? At first glance apparently so. Stine Gam comes from Copenhagen, Enrico Fratesi from Pesaro, thus the design duo known by their two names constitute an ideal-typical link as it were between two design cultures. At second glance the matter becomes more complicated, and is not nearly as easy to realize in practice as the general assumption would seem to be. What exactly should a synthesis of the two design worlds look like?
It is immediately clear that GamFratesi know how to combine formal and typological elements from the trove of Danish Modernism with the precision and the process-related experience of Italian design, without relying merely on superficial eye-catching frills along the way.
In terms of material, contours and structure, their new chair “Voyage” continues along the path which the duo embarked on with Porro last year – in the form of their “Traveller” daybed. Unmistakably inspired by 1950s design, the pleasingly light-seeming chair travels through time – and quite persuasively links Denmark and Italy. (tw)