To the death of Ieoh Ming Pei
Without the architect Ieoh Ming Pei Stylepark would probably not exist. In the eighties, as a teenager, I spent a summer at the Choate Rosemary Hall boarding school in Connecticut, on whose campus Ieoh Ming Pei built the Paul Mellon Arts Center. The building awakened my love of architecture. He showed me how impressively architecture can create spaces with the play of mass, emptiness and light. Thanks to him I decided to study architecture. No less fascinating in my education was the impression of his most famous, and at the beginning probably most controversial design, the glass pyramid in front of the Louvre in Paris. His ability to bring complex structures to an essence, his clear, geometric signature as well as his feeling for the right mixture of transparency and unity, has always accompanied me ever since. Ieoh Ming Pei was always ahead of his time. The quality and versatility of his work has enriched our present enormously and certainly not only opened my eyes to a new form of architecture.