Freshly unsealed
The projects are intended to strengthen the sense of responsibility for sustainable design in the here and now and create a positive outlook for the future. Solutions are being developed for urban and rural areas to limit the loss of living space and protect the environment. The framework for these projects was provided by the Offenbach Institute for Mobility Design (OIMD), which, under the direction of Prof. Peter Eckart and Prof. Dr. Kai Vöckler, combines the research and teaching focus on mobility of the professorships for Integrating Design and Urban Design.
The numerous awards also show how groundbreaking the ideas are: “Off Grid” by Antonia Hinderegger and Jonathan Kuhlmann was awarded the “Circular Design Prize” by the Frankfurt Society of Arts and Crafts as well as the “Rundgangpreis für Nachhaltigkeit Design” by the HfG, and “Wasserwald” by Lea Bernhard was nominated for the German Federal Ecodesign Award in the “Young Talent” category.