
Stylepark raffle
Flexible work from home

Stylepark readers can win a “Physix” office swivel chair by Vitra.

Working from home is the order of the day. But not everybody has the ideal equipment to do so. The one or other of us has to make do with the dining room table and a kitchen chair. Stylepark and Vitra can help out. This month we are giving away the “Physix”, an elegant office swivel chair that also cuts a fine figure in the home. Thanks to its flexible frame structure, its elastic covers, and its stabilizing mechanism “Physix” follows the movements of the body and offers perfect comfort even for dynamic sitting. Designed by Alberto Meda stylewise the chair with the single continuous seat shell is unmistakably in the tradition of the famous Aluminum Chair by Ray and Charles Eames. And like the furniture by Eames it feels just as much at home in the office.

All the new subscribers to our newsletter have the chance to win a “Physix” office swivel chair by Vitra!

This raffle is unfortunately already finished.
