Efficient Network
How can water and energy consumption in public and semi-public sanitary installations be duly controlled? And to what extent can this also contribute to ensuring impeccable hygiene? Laufen has digital solutions to such issues; the new Laufen Smart system offers a host of options for ensuring cleanliness and sustainability – and that includes by remote control. The system automatically reports the status of the facilities to the operators via the sanitary app Smartcontrol and can be controlled from any location and at any time. It is also possible to integrate sanitary facilities into the building management via Gateway and Cloud storage so that the data of the connected products can be viewed on screen in real time. The services thus promote convenient control, monitoring, diagnosis and maintenance of the sanitary facilities – whether it be washstand faucets, shower toilets, urinals or showers. For example, the water consumption, usage patterns or possible malfunctions can be read intuitively. To enable operators to save resources, water running times and flush modes can be precisely regulated to suit the frequency of use. Moreover, a push notification can be sent to a smartphone or tablet should consumption seem unnaturally high. The settings can be individually adapted to the respective requirements.
Essentially, Laufen Smart allows the individual management of sanitary facilities to be regulated centrally – whether for an airport, an office complex or a school. Workflow processes such as the planning of cleaning and maintenance routines can be determined well in advance which reduces the costs in each case. Likewise, thanks to the great transparency that Laufen Smart offers it is possible to respond flexibly to unforeseen events such as increase use or the need to maintain the valves. Thanks to the comprehensive overview afforded by Laufen’s intelligent system the piece of equipment affected can be immediately identified, cleaned or repaired. Laufen provides convenient planning accuracy and ensures advanced hygiene for the management of sanitary facilities while also saving not only water and energy but also time and resources thanks to the perfect overview the system offers. Another useful service for the efficient management of sanitary facilities: The statistics on usage and consumption can be very easily exported from the app or web solution. Laufen has already demonstrated how well the integration of Laufen Smart works in a case history involving the Scott Sports head office outside Bern: 44 sanitary rooms were equipped with sensor fittings for washbasins, showers and urinals, and are now managed by app.