After a good four years of construction work, October last year saw the grand opening of Finger A-Plus at Frankfurt Airport – in time and in budget, which today is certainly not a matter of course. It is a gigantic building of some 185,000 square meters of gross useful area and expands Frankfurt Airport’s annual passenger capacity by six million to a total of 6,5 million. A key element in the low-resource facilities technology: the heating/cooling shafts and walls, featuring GraviVent by TTC Timmler Technology. The new airport finger can host 7 long-haul airplanes at once, including four of the new Airbus A380s, or alternatively 11 short-haul aircraft, and is exclusively used by Lufthansa and its Star Alliance partners. The extremely complex security and logistics requirements meant that the project managers at the gmp (Gerkan, Marg und Partner) faced a tall task. Despite the restrictive requirements they have realized a building with a fine design, not least thanks to the specialist companies involved, whose systems ensured that the finger is both highly functional and has an appealing design. Alongside the Lindner Group, which installed large sections of the building’s ceiling and wall systems, TTC Timmler Technology as a specialist both in energy-saving air conditioning, but also in lighting and homogeneous grating designs likewise played a crucial part in the project’s successful realization. When full used, each year as many as six million passengers will arrive at or depart from the A-Plus finger. It’s a huge challenge as regards air conditioning. The TTC heating and cooling convectors used for the terminal and the elegant with their elegant linear gratings provided a creative and innovative solution for the problem, and contribute decisively to giving the building an homogeneous overall appearance.