„Klapp“ von Steffen Kehrle für Area Declic

Es mag eine Herausforderung sein, einen Stuhl zu entwerfen. Noch schwieriger wird es bei einem Klappstuhl.
Folding chairs are definitely something for Steffen Kehrle. Because he is forever trying to find out exactly how things (and the bits that go to make up them) go together. Following his ingenious step-stool “Mono”, with “Klapp” for Area Declic he has now, as the German name indicates, tried his hand with a folding chair. When folded, it not only has an especially slender silhouette, but also boasts an ingenious folding mechanism, a marvelously twisted transition from leg to backrest, and a joint made of technopolymer.
The slender Signore “Klapp” comes in different colors. The legs are made of extruded aluminum and have a cross section developed specially for Area Declic. The seat shell and backrest are available in either plastic or wood. If you look at a “Klapp” with a dark lacquer, it resembles a perfectly choreographed ensemble of lines and surfaces. Not surprisingly, Kehrle responded in 2012 when interviewed by Designreport and asked “To which design would you most like to create an homage,” by saying “Donald Judd’s metal boxes”. (tw)
Area Declic
Salone Internazionale del Mobile
April 14-19, 2015
Milan, Rho trade-fair complex
Hall 12 Booth C16