The little things in life can, as we all know, often be the sweetest. Which is perhaps why designers find it so intriguing not to develop a chair, a sofa, or some other item of furniture laden down with meaning, and instead go for a simple stepstool. How often do you need one of these in an office, because you want to sit down next to your colleague and look over her shoulder. Just after you’ve successfully retrieved that bulky file or tome from the top shelf. In such situations, what can be more practical and charming than a stool that, as in the case of “Mono” by Steffen Kehrle for Richard Lampert, is not just a stool but on top of which boasts a step. Perfect for today’s multi-tasking age, it’s a 2-in-1 product, made of recyclable polyethylene and available in salmon orange, water blue, ivory, basalt gray and bright black. (mm)
Presentation of “Mono”
“Glam Hair & Design” hairdressing saloon / Bar Basso
via Plinio 39 (corner of via Enrico Noë 2), Milan
April 7-10, 2014