
Global warming

  • Global warming
  • Global warming
  • Global warming
Presented:Habitat Valencia Forward 2008, Valencia
Categories: Floors  › Carpets › Formated carpets
Product description

Traditionally carpets have been tools to communicate a culture's messages. At nanimarquina we want to continue this practice. And so we have come up with our Global Warming collection as a platform for communication. The Mexican design collective, Nel, fo

und us a way to carry out such a project, a way of spreading a clear
message: an invitation to reflect on the contemporary world around us. The name says it all: global warming. The loneliness of a small polar bear surrounded by nothing communicates

the urgency of the message. Global Warming is a proposition of hope; the potential for a better future, a possible world.

nanimarquina, Spain

NEL colectivo