
Müller small living
Plane bed

Design: Felix Stark
Plane bed

PLANE, designed by Felix Stark, impresses with its harmonious design vocabulary. The combination of its simple, sweeping shape and the oiled, soft edges of the Finnish birch plywood provide thebed with a natural feeling of warmth. Curved outer contours, visible edges and mono- chrome surfaces form an attractive con- trast. This name of this design was inspired by its level, two-dimensional form. While, for example, the upper shelf of the integrated bedside table offers space for an alarm clock and bedside lamp, the lower level is designed as a space for books and the like. The optional box at the foot of the bed fits seamlessly into the flowing shape of the bed and offers ample space for bed linen and blankets. The box can also be used as a seat and storage surface.

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Plane Bed 3Plane Bed 7Plane Bed 5
Plane bed
All Plane products
  • Plane container
  • Plane desk
  • Plane wardrobe
  • Plane bed


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