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by Anna Moldenhauer | 2/16/2024
by Anna Moldenhauer | 4/3/2018
Light + Building recently closed its doors to the public in Frankfurt/Main. Which topics are people still talking about? Here is Stylepark’s retrospective overview of the fair.
by Fabian Peters | 3/23/2018
You didn't make it to Light + Building 2018? Never mind! Stylepark gives you an impression of the fair on your monitor.
"Stylepark Selected" awards 33 excellent lighting products from the Trendspot Design of the Light + Building 2018.
We present luminaires for public spaces that score high in terms not only of energy efficiency, but also for their extraordinary lighting effects and elegant appearance.
by Jasmin Jouhar | 2/13/2017
Red threads, wild patterns: The Scandinavians once again proved their talent for good living indoors when outdoors things are stormy and snowy – at the Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair.