Confair Next
Design: 2024
Environment and staff leadership
See things in perspective. Be attentive. Keep an inquiring mind. We have never believed in the idea of pure form: whoever designs furniture and interiors, does, in fact, design his or her environment and human relations. Aesthetics have always had an ethical dimension for us. For years we have consistently pursued new paths in design; for years we have been practising fair, responsible partnership. With nature, with our staff and with the technology which we employ.
The Federal Ecodesign Award was initiated by the Federal Ministry for the Environment and the Federal Environment Agency. The accolade pays tribute to products and services that fulfil aesthetic and ecological quality requirements in equal measure and therefore demonstrate a particularly high level of innovation. The 2012 prize-winners and nominees are now displayed in a touring exhibition. ON is also included and impressed the prominent panel of judges in several respects.
„In case of doubt, the ecological aspect has priority over quick profit.“ Mission Statement of the Administrative Board, 1989.
In 1992 we developed Picto, the first completely recyclable office swivel chair, and proved innovative products can be designed and produced ecologically. Environmental responsibility does, after all, start with product design. As a proactive thinker, we demonstrate our innovative strength in ecological matters too: with environmentally favourable product processes, in the utilization of environmentally compatible materials, with a sophisticated value-added packaging system, in waste disposal or in the utilization of low-solvent lacquer.
„No orders without explanations“
This phrase of Fritz Hahne's became the guideline for internal communication very early on. Decisions at Wilkhahn must always be legitimized by means of arguments and not hierarchies. Such a corporate culture produces strong, self-confident individuals who can identity with their work and who are totally committed.
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