Products by Bleu Nature

Bleu Nature
Bleu Nature
Bleu Nature
19, Rue Colson
T: +33 (0)6 16 74 40 75
In our studio, we build, nail, adjust, fasten and balance our pieces.
All Bleu Nature creations are born of an encounter between the technical mastery of a French craftsman and the prolonged work of nature. Nature has fashioned each piece of driftwood over time, rendering every item we produce unique in both form and dimension.
The Bleu Nature collection is the fruit of collective labour.
Every season, all members of the team contribute to the design and production of new products. We would like to take this opportunity to thank them, especially Marie Ammeux, Francesca Bertini, Thierry Buisset , Natacha Cadart, Guillaume Chery, Pascal Colart, Valérie Descamps, Sylvain Deudon, Cédric Ducoulombier, Maxime Duterte, Béatrice Eckes, Charline Hermant, Belkacem Labboun, David Lainé, Jean Michel, Bastien Taillard and Diane Vannier-Moreau.
Encounters with designers or well-known personalities are also part of the history of Bleu Nature. Many thanks to Pierrette Dedeine, Charlotte Esquenet and Exsud, Laurence Glorieux and LP Décoration, Valéry Douchet and VD Agencement, Jean-Marie Guigues, Valérie Honoré, Infhor, Didier Knoff and Atmosphère photo, Brigitte Monnier, Jan and Odilon Création, Altavia Lille, Studio Poulain, Olivia Ruant, Studio Tekhne, Bernard Varlet, and everyone else who participated, in one way or another, in the Bleu Nature adventure.
Collections by Bleu Nature