Products by AGC

AGC Glass Europe
Chaussée de La Hulpe
T: +32 2 674 31 11
F: +32 2 672 44 62
Innovation and Operational Excellence are not only the core values of the AGC group, they are also sources of competitive advantage.
Innovation at AGC Glass Europe draws to a great extent on the dynamic interplay between its R&D Centre at Jumet (Be
lgium), industrial practices and market forces. Past innovations have produced significant developments in glass technology and production processes. This has resulted in the widest range of products on the market and acknowledged leadership in coated gla
However, the spirit of innovation has to prevail at all levels within the company, not only in R&D but also in marketing, customer relations management, production, quality control, human resources, communication and all the central services.
In this way, as articulated in its Vision, AGC Glass Europe will "shape the future of glass." In other words, it intends to reorientate the entire industry according to its way of imagining, reinventing, producing, promoting and distributing glass.