A stylish approach to environmental protection
Sustainable, individual and creative: Lindner did the fittings for Trivago’s new headquarters in Düsseldorf’s Medienhafen.
Hook-On Ceilings | Versatile solutions
Hook-On Ceilings are versatile ceiling solutions with homogeneous ceiling surfaces that impress with their visual and functional adaptability. Ceiling panels can be realised in different shapes and sizes and offer design freedom. Hook-On Ceilings tested for ball-impact resistance and wind pressure/suction loads are available for special requirements and application areas.
• uniform ceiling surface due to concealed substructure
• individual design thanks to flexible panel shapes and sizes
• tested systems for ball-impact resistance and wind/suction loads are available
Picture 3: ©Stefan Schilling Pictures 4, 5: ©Kontraframe.dk
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