
ligne roset

Presented: imm cologne 2020, Cologne | Year of design: 2020 | Design: Alain Gilles

El Puente de Piedra, the famous stone bridge which spans the river Èbre which crosses Zaragoza from west to east, might have inspired Alain Gilles. Like a homage to the viaduct, that work of art which stretches across a river, a sound or any other obstacle and which has a greater height or width, often both, than a simple crossing of the rive or road would demand, Alain Gilles designed a table.

Saragosse 1004PvSaragosse 1004PrSaragosse 1004PsSaragosse 1004Pu
Saragosse 1004PtSaragosse 1004PpSaragosse 1004PoSaragosse 1004Pw


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