
ligne roset

Presented: imm cologne 2019, Cologne | Year of design: 2019 | Design: Léo Dubreil, Baptiste Pilato

The designers presented their project for the 11th ConcoursCinna, at which they were two-times prize winners:Clam is a bed-settee with an easy-to operate system which enablesit to offer just as much comfort as a settee as it does as a bed.Its meticulous finish and apparent lightness enable it to be viewedfrom all sides and to offer a soothing cocoon in settee positionand a generous sleep area when used as a bed. When located in thecentre of a room, it becomes an island of relaxation for reading orresting.

Clam L Dubreil B 04Clam L Dubreil B 02
Clam L Dubreil B 03Clam L Dubreil B 05


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