

Presented: Light + Building 2018, Frankfurt | Year of design: 2018

The kreon 48V track system, developed in association with Stucchi, is a highly flexible and easy-to-use solution for display lighting in galleries, retail and residential environments. The slim track profile with integrated databus (ON/OFF, 110V or DALI) can be surface mounted, recessed or pendant mounted. All available kreon low voltage track projectors are equipped with an in-track adaptor with an integrated 48Vdc LED driver and can easily be installed and arranged using simple magnetic fixation.

Diapason 120 White On TrackHolon 80 On Track 1Diapason 80 On Track Mg 2194
Holon 80 On Track 1 BlackHolon 40 Ot Mg 2176 1Diapason 120 Black On Track