The best seat
Transparent flexibility.
Whenever shorter utilisation cycles and changing space requirements make it necessary to redesign room layouts frequently, TWO.2.BLOCK provides a solution that is affordable as well as extremely flexible. The patented modular bi-block system guarantees a low-cost, resource-friendly system that gives you unbeatable value for money – starting with production and logistics up to the point of installation and alteration. The innovative room system TWO.2.BLOCK is the ultimate answer to the large-scale budgeting challenges encountered when constructing a new building as well as redeveloping existing property. The modular partition system with its transparent and opaque wall elements creates a variety of office layouts flexibly. It’s highly economical throughout – from production through the logistics process right to the point of installation and reconfiguration. Special advantage: The frameless glass architecture of modern office buildings can also be transferred to the interior thanks to the flush-glazing construction of the TWO.2.BLOCK glass modules.
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