
König + Neurath

Presented: Orgatec 2010, Cologne | Year of design: 2010 | Design: K + N Design


Work and meeting culture are on the move. To develop new ideas, alternative working spaces in appealing designs are in demand. NET.WORK.PLACE encourages dialogue and allows you to create diverse and ever-changing communication areas and working lounges. Discover the many different combinations of the individual elements. Create a variety of stylishly usable areas for retreat, communication and relaxation for different room scenarios. Components can be replaced at lightning speed thanks to the universal 80 module grid.

03 RgbNwp Location 02 00 CmykTeam Work Space Locationrgb 06Team Work Space Locationrgb 03Team Work Space Locationrgb 04Inside Base Cube Location 01 00 CmykNwp Location 08 00 Cmyk
Acta Plus Location 07 00 CmykInside Cube Location 01 00 CmykFlexible Rooms Final 04 RgbNwp Location 10 00 Cmyk02 RgbFlexible Rooms Final 03 RgbNwp Location 13 00 Cmyk
All NET.WORK.PLACE products
  • NET.WORK.PLACE Organic
  • NET.WORK.PLACE lounge chair


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