


Designed for movement and variation. We have designed the stable sit/stand desks in Series[P] to suit today's flexible working life. They are easy to raise and lower, available in many different finishes with smart options and fulfil all ergonomic requirements for movement and variation.

Work flexibly, independently or in a group. Series[P] is perfect for all needs, situations and working environments. The quick, silent desk height adjustment means that you can easily alternate between standing and sitting and provide good ergonomics however you are feeling on the day or whatever the shape of your body. The stylish design and smart accessories such as cable management, modesty panels and a powerbox mean that Series[P] can always be customised to the person, task and surroundings.

Kp05 000584 AKp05 000575 A3 7Kp05 000588 AKp05 000558 AKp05 000590 AKi03 002569 AKp05 000574 AKp05 000586 AKi03 002566 AKp05 000587 AKp05 000565 AKp05 000576 ASeriep 148 Ssp5 B Id721 LinoleumKp05 000594 AKi03 002567 AKp05 000557 AKi03 002565 AKp05 000583 AKp05 000582 A3 3
Kp05 000580 ASeriep 148 Ssp5 B Id665Kp05 000597 A3 63 12Kp05 000608 ASeriep 148 Ssp6 B Id722Seriep 148 Ssp6 B Id723 LinoleumKp05 000579 AKi03 002568 A3 53 1Ki03 002570 AKp05 000568 A3 2Kp05 000577 AKp05 000591 AKp05 000578 AKp05 000561 AKp05 000573 A3 4


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