
Neo Lite barstool

Year of design: 2024 | Design: Fredrik Mattson
Neo Lite barstool

Behind the clean, self-explanatory design lies a solid piece of workmanship. All the details have been carefully tested and reviewed. Seat shell in polypropylene in CbM*, non-upholstered or upholstered seat alt. fully upholstered in fabric or leather. Wooden frame in white pigmented or black stained ash. The Neo/Neo Lite range also includes exclusive conference chairs as well as chairs and armchairs in different variants. *CbM = beige, mustard yellow, dusty pink, rusty red, burgundy red, blue grey, green, grey, dark grey, black and white.

Materia Neo Lite bar stool wooden frame black stained ash fully upholstered seat sh780MATERIA Neo lite bar stool Sh630 black frontMateria Neo Lite bar stool wooden frame black stained ash dark grey sh780Materia Neo Lite bar stool Walnut stainless steel blue grey h630MATERIA Neo lite bar stool Sh630 redMateria Neo Lite bar stool wooden frame white pig ash blue grey sh630
Materia Neo Lite bar stool wooden frame white pig ash green upholstered seat h780Materia Neo Lite bar stool wooden frame white pig ash green sh780MATERIA Neo lite bar stool Sh630 green frontMateria Neo Lite bar stool wooden frame white pig ash fully upholstered green sh780MATERIA Neo lite bar stool Sh630 Upholstered black frontMATERIA Neo lite bar stool Sh780 Upholstered grey front
Neo Lite barstool


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