
Drabert - Mento

Drabert - Mento

With an exceptional variety of combination choices, Mento offers something for every style palette. Create your very own accessory out of this changeable chair.

A genius in diversity, Mento task chairs satisfy virtually every individual need and style. It stands out with its exceptional variety of combinations. The range of colours for the mesh back variant and the choice of fabrics for the upholstered version are almost boundless.

That's not all. From an ergonomic point of view, The Drabert Philosophy of Ergonomics assures that Mento holds a seating quality at the highest level. The Relax-o-flex® cushioning vitalizes nerves in the spinal region whilst sitting, increasing the feeling of wellbeing.

D 1034 DgMento Task 1
D 1034 DrlfD 1034 Dr
Drabert - Mento


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