
Human Connections Moss

Year of design: 2018 | Design: David Oakey
Human Connections Moss

Today, we are both more connected as a society and, ironically, increasingly less connected, shielded from each other and the natural world by our screens, our cars, our homes and the buildings in which we work. When we walk outside, our pathways reveal the importance of reconnection: where we choose to go, how we get there and the unexpected gathering places we find on our way. Invariably we are also drawn to areas of respite where nature is present, whether nurtured to grow or simply there by its own persistence.

Human Connections® literally provides the sensory and natural cues that we seek in our fast paced lives, supporting the idea that the most positive spaces offer variability and choice. Eight different styles fit together in unique ways that let you create paths, intersections, collision zones and destinations. Sett in Stone, Kerbstone, Paver and Flagstone are four textures that recall the well-worn streets of the city, while Moss and Moss in Stone connect seamlessly to Sett in Stone to introduce the greenery we crave, in a very organic way. The collection is completed by Rue and Stone Course. These highly patterned and colourful styles add a lively graffiti-like impact.

Create your path to +Positive spaces™ with Human Connections.

Moss Slate Moss Moss In Stone Slate Edge Paver Sett In Stone Kerbstone Slate Pbt8341004999 B20300 Moss Onyxmoss Va18341002999 B20300 Moss Slatemoss Va1
Sett In Stone Flint Moss In Stone Flint Edge Moss Flint Moss PbtMoss In Stone Granite Edge Slate Edge Flint Edge Onyx Edge Moss Granite Moss Slate Moss Flint Moss Onyx Moss Nd 28341003999 B20300 Moss Flintmoss Va1
  • Human Connections Stone Course
  • Human Connections Sett in Stone
  • Human Connections Rue
  • Human Connections Paver
  • Human Connections Moss in Stone
  • Human Connections Moss
  • Human Connections Kerbstone
  • Human Connections Flagstone


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