

Presented: Interieur 2008, Kortrijk | Year of design: 2007 | Design: Philipp Mainzer

The glass table DREI extends the e15 range of side tables complimenting the sofa system SHIRAZ by exploring the eclectic and elegant forms of living found in oriental and western cultures. DREI, composed of four slabs of coloured glass, adds a delicate lightness and sense of colour to the range of side tables as it also explores elements of different cultures and creative trends: The table's straightforward shape and the different ways it can be used make reference to the reduced forms of modernism such as Bauhaus furniture and the Ulm stool.

Ct07 02 GrauCt07 Drei Ct08 Vier
090703 Ct07 01Sf06 Kerman St04 Backenzahn Cm05 Habibi Ct07 Drei Ct08 Vier Cu06 Nima
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