


GrandPattern is a option where large oak planks are laid in familiar historical patterns. A modern solution with respect for history, which takes on a contemporary and exclusive appearance due to the proportions.

A familiar pattern taken to new heights with a modern expression when selecting boards of large dimensions.

Mosaic pattern is a classic solution in which groups of planks alternately laid in horizontal and vertical clusters form a pattern that most of all looks like a chessboard.

A distinctive, graphic floor where large boards are laid in a V-pattern.

The bond pattern is defined by boards of the same dimensions in staggered lanes next to each other. A traditional solution that creates a smooth transition and a beautiful look, which is suitable for both large and small spaces.

Thickness: 22 - 30mm

H35X250 14 M Lhs Landsdowne Road Undercover Architecture Foto Michelle Young 01 LysnetH30X300 14 M Lo Chevron 01Grandpattern 5H22X250 1 M No Garde Hvalsoe Apartment 06H22X250 1 M Ago Jels 08H35X250 14 M Lhs Landsdowne Road Undercover Architecture Foto Michelle Young 03
Grandpattern 7Dinesen Showroom Sotorvet 5 Oe O Designstudio 23Grandpattern 4H22X250 1 M No Garde Hvalsoe Apartment 05H30X250 1 M Lo Bond 11H22X300 12 M Lo Carl Hansen Showroom London 01