
Seppo Koho


Products by Seppo Koho

1967 Born in Rovaniemi, Finland.
1987-1994 Master of Arts, University of Industrial Arts Helsinki.
1993- Student of architecture, Tampere University of Technology.
1987-1991 Worked for Sis-Ark Ltd
1992 Worked for Architect Aarne von

Boehm Ltd.
1996 Worked for Studio Kaisa Blomstedt Ltd.
1996-1999 Member of the board in Finnish Association of Interior Architects SIO ry.
1997-1999 Assistant of furniture design in Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences.

2 Worked for Architect Iris Ulin Ltd.
1995- Interior and Design Studio Seppo Koho, Helsinki.
Furniture and lamps for Aptero, Secto Design, P.O.Korhonen and Martela.
Art exhibiton designs for Retretti, Turku Art Museum, National Museum of Fi

nland and
Helsinki City Art museum.
Interior design and furniture for Nokia Ltd, M-real Ltd, Finnzymes Ltd, EQT-partners Ltd,
Tila Ltd, EM-Group Ltd and Building Information Foundation RTS.
Architecture, interior design and furniture f

or private families and small companies.
1997 Ornamo grant.
2002 Arts counsil of Finland grant.
2003 Alfred Kordelin foundation grant.
2004 Finnish Cultural foundation grant.
2005 Arts counsil of Finland grant.