
Marco Bisenzi

Via Senese 86
50124 Florence

T: 0039 055 221680

Products by Marco Bisenzi

Marco Bisenzi was born in Florence in 1965,he graded from the faculty of architecture of Florence in 1996.
In 1999 he had been invited for the membership on the “Odine Nazionale degli Architetti”.

From 1999 to 2002 he became the chief application engineering of “RUUD Lighting Europe” noes became “CREE” (american widest LED’s producer company).

Since 2002 he design and developed many lighting products for Artemide, B.Lux, Zonca, Sqaroski, and he got involved with famous international and italian architect as: Adam Thiany, Jaques Garcià, Italo Rota, Rosario Picciotto, Marco Piva, Simone Micheli, Massimo Iosa Ghini, Maurizio Papiri, ecc…

From 2002 he was in charge for lighting projects for “Boscolo” Group” in all five starts hotels developments, after that many other italian notes companies, engineerings and fashion firms as Ferragamo, Prada and Gucci invited he for projects.

His activity was deeply involved with lighting urban spaces and during 2000 Giubileo, he developed with ACEA the illumination of many monuments in Rome.

He helds lessons ad “IED of Florence” for master in lighting design concerning, contract lighting and monumental lingering.In 2012 he was reccommanded by “Camera di Commercio di Firenze” to set up Florence’s Duomo lighting on site.