
Johannes Foersom

Foersom & Hiort-Lorenzen Designere MDD ApS

Vejnavn Lille Strandstræde 7
1254 Copenhagen

T: +45 33 12 17 14
F: +45 33 15 16 93

Products by Johannes Foersom

Foersom & Hiort-Lorenzen is an experienced design company focused on Furniture and Product design as well as design advising. The vision in our design work and counselling is to create longterm values, who stimulates a healty development for people an

d their surroundings.

Our work is based on high standards in cooperation, process and product, where knowledge and innovation is basal ressources. The company adresses clients who whiches to work with design as a fundamental strategi and who c

an see the value of en external design adviser in a close and confidential cooperation with great integrity.