
Ana Mir

Emiliana Design Studio

Aribau 230-240 8º N
08006 Barcelona

T: +34 93 414 34 80

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Ana Mir (Valencia, 1969) and Emili Padrós (Barcelona, 1969) studied in Valencia and Barcelona, respectively and met in London when they were taking their Master's Degree in Industrial Design at the Central Saint Martin's School of Art and Design.

In 1996 they started their professional life in Barcelona setting up Emiliana Design Studio. They have participated in national and international group exhibitions, carried out workshops and given conferences in Universities and Design Schools de Berlin, Rome, London, New York, Sao Paulo, Stockholm, Reykjavik, Paris, Milan, Amsterdam, Madrid and Barcelona.

During the Año Gaudí (Year of Gaudí) in 2002 they were responsible for the design of the "Gaudí. Art i Disseny (Art and Design)" Exhibition in La Pedrera, in collaboration with Cesc Solá. In 2003, Año Internacional del Diseño (International Design Year), Ana Mir and Emili Padrós commissioned two exhibitions - "Terapias Urbanas (Urban Therapies)" in the Colegio de Arquitectos de Cataluña (the Association of Catalan Architects) y "ALEHOP! diseños, ingenios y remedies (designs, devices and solutions)", in the Palau de la Virreina, Barcelona.

Since 2003, four of their designs are on show in the permanent collection of FNAC Fond National d'Art Contemporain (the National Fund for Contemporary Art) in France. As part of the Forum de Las Culturas (Forum of Cultures), Barcelona 2004, they designed the "La Fira (The Fair)", "Speaker's Corner" and "El món on ens agradaria viure (the World in which we would like to live)" exhibitions.

In 2005, they were responsible for "Nature & Art. Gaudí, Dalí, Miró" in the Toyota Municipal Museum of Art in Japan which formed part of the Exposición Internacional de Aichi (Aichi International Exhibition) 2005 and "Spain Again", as part of Tokyo Designer's Week, an annual event celebrated in the Japanese capital in November.

Recently, they have taken part in the "SAFE: Design Takes on Risk" Exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA); Ana Mir, alone, exhibited at the I Panorama Internacional de Design (1st International Design Perspective) - Exposición Safety Nest (Safety Nest Exhibition) in Rio de Janeiro.