
Decor Walther


Quality that lasts.

Mid century aesthetics for modern times. Elegance without embellishment. Forged from solid bass. Made to last centuries.

The collection is available in the following finishes: matt stainless steel, matt gold, matt dark metal, white and black.

0586720 CENTURY WMG crystal clear gold web0586282 CENTURY WMG marble green gold matt web0586217 CENTURY WMG marble green dark bronze web0585220 CENTURY HTE80 gold webEMO CENTURY DW 477 N DW 3655 N DW 3565 N 0861041 0860641 0860941 WEB0585482 CENTURY TPH1 gold matt V3 webEMO 0861041 DW 3565 N CENTURY WEB
EMO CENTURY HTE 0585000 0585117 0585217 WEB0585917 CENTURY WMG dark bronze webEMO CENTURY HTR 0585317 WEBEMO CENTURY DW 3655 N 0861041 WEB0585017 CENTURY HTE40 darkbronze web0586282 CENTURY WMG marble green gold matt webEMO CENTURY 0860717 0861041 DW 476 N DW 3655 N WEB


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