
Floater sofa & easy chair

Presented: imm cologne 2018, Cologne | Year of design: 2017 | Design: Pauline Deltour
Floater sofa & easy chair

FLOATER sofa and easy chair – a new form of work-life balance

Discover its possibilities: This is how Pauline Deltour would like her sofa design Floater, for which she combines a base (substructure) with an outer shell, various upholstered inlays and inserted boxes, to be understood from the word go. None of this is concealed, with all formal elements and their specific functions being made visible. The vibrantly designed overall concept signals a variety of functions such as sitting, communicating, working and storing. "As a variably configurable work lounge with a fresh look and feel, Floater invites comfortable use," says Pauline Deltour. Its clear design language stands for modernity, while the carefully handcrafted materials convey homeliness and intimacy. "Basically, I 'translate' typical attributes of COR into a new furniture concept for temporary sitting."

Floater can be used to create individual easy chairs and two- or three-seater sofas with two different back heights. The lightly upholstered outer shell is fitted with more ample seat, side and rear upholstery on the inside. Then the boxes, small worktops and drawers come into play to accommodate various utensils as well as cables and power connections. The modularly configurable furniture body rests on a sturdy frame with sprung wooden slats. "Sensual materials, such as natural wood, lend the workspace a private character," the designer emphasizes.

Design: Pauline Deltour, 2017
COR Floater sofa RGB 7COR Floater sofa RGB 15COR Floater sofa RGB 5COR Floater easy chair RGB 4COR Floater sofa RGB 2COR Floater sofa RGB 13COR Floater sofa RGB 4COR Floater sofa RGB 6COR Floater sofa RGB 3COR Floater easy chair RGB 5COR Floater sofa RGB 14
COR Floater easy chair RGB 1COR Floater easy chair RGB 6COR Floater easy chair RGB 2COR Floater sofa RGB 9COR Floater sofa RGB 8COR Floater easy chair RGB 7COR Floater sofa RGB 1COR Floater easy chair RGB 8COR Floater sofa RGB 11COR Floater sofa RGB 10COR Floater easy chair RGB 3
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  • Floater sofa & easy chair
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