

Vorgestellt: imm cologne 2024, Köln | Entwurfsjahr: 2023 | Design: Joanna Laajisto

“Over 100-year-old wood is allowed to show it’s true character, color variations, cracks and marks. Some people might call these imperfections, but I think they are the essence of the piece and should be embraced. The low profile of the table has a grounding effect, and it brings harmony and calmness to a space. It also enhances the natural and organic feel of the piece. The table top, made of one solid piece, is held up by chunky blocks. These elements are distinguished from each other by form: the rounded leg and sharper edges of the top. All this to enhance the solidness of the material it is made of.” — Designer Joanna Laajisto

Centenniale table is made of solid ash or oak, and it is meant to have cracks, wormholes, unevenness, and knots, making each piece unique. The careful craftsmanship work makes every piece a unique work of art, and the name is honoring the fact that the material is already old, but the table will last many centuries more in use.

CENTENNIALE CEN1 O oak wood oil mix space1Centenniale in space ash design Joanna Laajisto background December Lounge chairCentenniale oak in Salone 2023CENTENNIALE CEN1 O oak wood oil mix side2CENTENNIALE CEN1 A ash wood oil mix side2CENTENNIALE CEN1 A ash wood oil mix side1CENTENNIALE CEN1 O oak wood oil mix front
CENTENNIALE CEN1 A ash Woodoilmix space4CENTENNIALE CEN1 O oak wood oil mix side1CENTENNIALE CEN1 A ash wood oil mix detail1Centenniale ash design Joanna LaajistoCENTENNIALE CEN1 A ash wood oil mix frontCENTENNIALE CEN1 A ash woodoil mix space3CENTENNIALE CEN1 O oak wood oil mix detail1


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