Entspannungsinseln an Deck
The Colours of Paola Lenti Colours have a mysterious, irresistible ability to influence our behavior, our language and all aspects of our lives, whether real or imaginary; they have always been a key of an unwritten code, which governs art, painting, architecture and design. Colours surpass vision; they stimulate feelings, which, eluding the filters of reality, circumvent the limits of immediate perception, and lead us to turn our minds to the fantasies, to the impossible. Paola Lenti has always been involved with colours. The hundreds of hues germinated from the imaginary journeys of her mind draw an authentic polysemic itinerary. They invite us to escape the greyness of the routine, to prepare ourselves for the unexpected, to indulge in the suspended lightness of the new pastel colours. They enshroud us in the delicate pinks and the light blues, unusual shades, which remind us of the transparent lightness of the clouds and the colours of the winter sea. The new colours highlight the geometries and the proportions of the objects, which band together and become one, visible and familiar. They bestow a new brightness, modulated by the hues of fantastic gemstones. The creativity of Paola Lenti strives toward gradations, always diverse, offering to our perceptions a new host of luminous tones, evoking serenity and poetry, the flickering of the sea and the rhythm of dreams, in a playful dialogue, which is, maybe, a pure inquest of the infinite.
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