
Solar Cell

  • Solar Cell
  • Solar Cell
Vorgestellt:Stockholm Furniture Fair 2012, Stockholm
Kategorien: Stadtraum › Straßenbeleuchtung
Stadtraum › Fahrradständer

Solar energy and cycling are seen as sustainable alternatives to transportation powered by fossil fuels. This efficient design brings the two together in a solar-powered cycle stand that produces a 70-watt light. Motion detectors integrated into the cycle

stand have a range of 80 meters, triggering the embedded LED lighting to illuminate the area around it. In winter months, when light levels are low, a long-life battery provides an additional power source to boost the power generated by the solar cells.

The cycle stand can also be used as a sensor-activated light source that lights the way for pedestrians, dog-walkers and motorists leaving their car. A series of cycle stands can be linked to illuminate altogether when an individual sensor detects a huma

n approaching. The cycle stand is an excellent choice for remote locations such as country bus stops, or any area where energy saving is required.

Nola, Schweden

Henrik Sørig Thomsen