Vom Almheu bis zur Zukunftsstudie
Beim Rundgang über die weltweit größte Messe für Bodenbeläge DOMOTEX, die vom 14. bis 17. Januar in Hannover stattfand, gab es intelligente Weiterentwicklungen und erstaunliche Neuheiten zu sehen.
Hossein Rezvani Design OHG
Fuhlentwiete 14
T: +49 (0)40 18989672
F: +49 (0)40 18989674
This is what our carpets have been called many times, but our mission is more than just creating a carpet. We are the only brand to offer contemporary carpets Made in Iran, with up to 1.000.000 knots per square meter and we are very proud to bring this cultural heritage back into today‘s contemporary living spaces. We produce exclusively with the best raw materials. We use Persian cork- and highland wool, the most durable and best quality wool in the world and pure natural silk. We also refrain from using mechanical or chemical treatments. Natural dyes are a must, which not only preserves the sublime characteristics of the high quality natural materials but also underlines the vibrant colors and shine of these timeless masterpieces.The result is a unique craftsmanship that carries the seal of quality „Made in Isfahan“.