Produkte von Graphic Concrete™

Graphic Concrete™
Graphic Concrete™
Graphic Concrete Ltd
Porkkalankatu 11 H 11
T: +358 9 68420092
F: +358 9 68420091
Graphic Concrete™ creates patterns and images on a concrete surface.
Graphic Concrete Ltd offers prefabrication companies a unique possibility to manufacture patterned concrete surfaces. We sell an industrial product meeting the challenges of modern architecture and the needs of cost efficient and high quality manufacturing. Our trademark is Graphic Concrete™.
We focus on uncompromising service and the professional skill and competence of our personnel. Our organisation is made up of professionals from the concrete industry, sales & marketing, customer service and architecture. To ensure reliability and the highest quality, we have selected the top companies in their respective sectors as our partners. Graphic Concrete Ltd works in close co-operation with the concrete product industry, designers, developers, contractors and other industrial companies operating in the sector. That will allow us to achieve stylish and high-quality concrete surfaces.
Design a pattern of your own (GCPro™) or use one from our GCCollection™.
Samuli Naamanka, Interior Architect, founder of graphic concreteTM technology
Graphic ConcreteTM technology is based on a patented invention by interior architect Samuli Naamanka. He has been awarded for his innovations and designs with several acknowledgements internationally. He is an independent designer, active in furniture design, industrial design, concept design and material innovations with several international partners. For Graphic Concrete he has created among others the GCCollectionTM pattern "Grass", one of the most popular patterns in precast concrete.
Kollektionen von Graphic Concrete™